Food Philosophy Editorial

Oct 24, 20182 min

Vitamin-C serum miracle

The timeless Anti-oxidant you don't wont to live without.

The anti-oxidant properties of vitamin C help fight free radicals which cause oxidation (ie. wrinkles, lines and aging).

The Big/Little of Vitamin-C Serum

Age and sun damage cause us to lose collagen, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Vitamin C boosts your skin's collagen production to give you firmer, more plump skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. The anti-oxidant properties of vitamin C help fight free radicals and damage caused by UV radiation.

Beauty is always an inside-out job and taking Vitamin C orally and absorbing it through your food is a must do in addition to the application of a topical Vitamin-C Serum on our face and bust. Because Vitamin C is "an antioxidant that helps regenerate other antioxidants in the body. It improves the absorption of non-heme iron and plays a vital role in building connective tissue and wound healing. It also delays the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin and body", everyone should use oral and topical applications. BUT you cannot use the oral C for topical application.

Ways to Employ Vitamin C

This is why our #ReYouthingVC #Serum (#MIY mix-it-yourself recipe) has 20%+ more absorption for your skin thus giving you 20%+ more firmness, collagen umpf, brightness, glow/radiance, clarity and last but never least re-fining and minimizing those lines/wrinkles. Not to mention the cumulative effect.

More Glow & Glam

Our #ReYouthingVC #Serum has 20%+ more absorption for your skin!

Any capable dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon will advice that the face thirsts for a Vitamin C Serum and a Moisturizer with SPF on a basic level.

Looking forward to hearing you rave about our #MIY #ReYouthingVC #Serum. This is an awesome happiness and beauty hack that I am grateful share.

Tags: #anti-aging #happiness #beauty #hacks #MIY #bodycare #energizing #bio-active #skincare #food #botanicals #C-serum #face-tonic #face-collagen #re-youthing #lifestyle

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