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Food Curatorials 

Signature Recipes (10 page Book of Know-how)

Digital Product


100% Natural * Bio-Active Botanicals * Re-Energizing * pH Awesome

Our Food Curatorials are Signature Recipes with a bio-active purpose, solution and result. They are about the alchemy of pure and natural ingredient technology for the body, skin, mind and/or aura. The philosophy and results are about moving energy to and fro. Do NOT mistake these these for an average cookbook recipes as they are high performance, result oriented deliverables. They are mult-tasking synergies to balance and/o re-balance. re-juvenate, re-boot and re-vitalize anew.


Canarino Tonic

Named after the Italian "canary", this fusion is premised on the lemon and other super nutrients. "Life's a lemon" and the lemon is superpower!! Discover how the synthesis of using lemon in your daily routine (i.e. hydration) can jump-shift your energy to high-rez, assist in cleansing, de-toxing, puriftying while pampering your skin, beauty and wellness. This hot and cold tonic combines a special synthesis of water, asian nootropic and botanicals to assist cleansing and clearing your energies of the physical and non-physical energetic bodies, inside-out. Very high resonant energetic properites full of anti-oxidants, anti-inflamatories, gingerols and flavinoids.


Great for re-moving stagnant energies to re-store, re-fresh and re-juvinate a radiant eneretic vibe, glow to you, your skin and your well being. It can assist to re-balance various imbalances and tune-up your energy, beauty, skincare radiance to assist with improved digestion, boost immune function and more.


+ Exclusive bonus: Water Works Tweak



Water is the essence of life and keeping your pH levels c. 7.2-4 will ensure your more wellness, dis-ease free living, happiness and radiance! So let us help...


Why? B/c our bodies are 70%+ water and water has memory. This tonic is multi-tasking and contains: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, nootropic, and/or adaptogenic nutrients.


Tags: #re-youthing #aquaverdi #water #recipes #anti-aging #bio-active #superfood #non-toxic #100%natural #slimming #tonics #ginger #nootropics #curatorials

Canarino Tonic

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